“But this is only for those that I’m inspirin'”
– Eminem on “No Regrets“
Happy New Year everyone! Can you believe it’s 2020? The new year is a great time to hit the reset button, reevaluate goals, and figure out what you want to accomplish this year. While those are all good actions to take, what about the “how” part? Specifically, how do you stay focused to get everything done? Anddd, how do you maintain it? Well, let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about 2020 vision.
First of all, though, welcome! Welcome to the Ajaxxx.com January 2020 Opinions Column! For those that are new to the site, this is the place where I talk about what’s on my mind. For those returning, you already know the deal! And with that said, let’s talk about HOW we’re going to keep 2020 vision for 2020.
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Filed under: Opinions by Ajaxxx
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