“Around the world with a catalog of rap songs…”
– Mos Def on “Travellin’ Man“
I think everyone should travel at least once by themselves in his or her lifetime. The feeling is exhilarating. While it can be frigthtening, especially in a place so different from home, the experience is like nothing else. You see amazing things and meet great people. And best of all, you learn so much about yourself in the process. I’ve learned just how independent and self-sufficient I am throughout my Europe trip and it’s really opened my eyes. So yes, I’m feeling so international today.
What is up my people??? Welcome one, welcome all, welcome errbody to the November 2014 Opinions Column. Damn, November already, huh? Can’t believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner. For those that’re new to the site, this is the place where I talk about whatever’s on my mind. For those that’re returning, you know the drills. I won’t keep this post TOO lengthy (as it’s been in the previous months) because I’m over here in Switzerland, but I’ll just give you the update about what’s up.
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Filed under: Opinions by Ajaxxx
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