Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017

“Why stop when it doesn’t have to end?
It ain’t over ’til I say it’s over, enough when I say enough”
– Eminem on “Survival

It’s easy to get sidetracked in this krazy thing we call life. Whether it’s people pulling you in other directions, obligations you have to tend to, or simply distractions (because they’re all around us, c’mon), it’s really easy to lose focus. It happens to me way too much. However, just because you get off track doesn’t mean it’s a forever kinda thing. And of course, just as easy as it is to get off track, it’s easy to get back on too.

Before we dig too deep though, WELCOME! Welcome to the March 2017 Opinions Column. This is where I dig deep about what’s on my mind. Whether it’s where I’ve been, what I’m doing, or just random thoughts I have, you’ll hear them here. For those that’re returning, welcome back! And for new visitors, welcome as well. With my monthly-as-I-do-every-month-intro outta the way, let’s get right into it. Or should I say, back at it.

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