Friday, December 20th, 2013

2013 Year in Review

2013…what a year it’s been. From twerking with Miley Cyrus to having a royal baby, it’s been krazy, hasn’t it? We saw some very controversial trials this year including George Zimmerman and Jodi Arias, while we also saw high profile celebs get caught in the news including Aaron Hernandez and Paula Deen. We saw a young girl become a rising voice, a U.S. government shutdown, and the loss of a significant world leader. 2013 was nothing short of eventful.

As I write this, the only thing I’m wondering is…has it really been a year? Because it’s seriously flown by. LoL I guess it has. Every year (and instead of just revisiting the news), I take a glimpse back at where I’ve been and more specifically the highlights of my year. As usual, it was a rollercoaster year with lots of highs and lows. I had some eye opening moments, realizations, and experiences that really changed my outlook on life. Both personally and professionally, I went through a lot. But I mean, that’s normal, right? ‘Course it is LoL. And with that, here it is…MY 2013 Year in Review.

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Saturday, April 6th, 2013

New Beginning

“Cause when I look back at a fly young cat
Who could rap with a dream, look where I took that”

T.I. on “Slideshow

There are certain significant moments in your life that you define as rites of passages. Whether it’s getting your driver’s license, graduating, or getting married, there are certain defining moments that you’ll probably remember forever. This past month, I experienced one of them. This past month, I experienced a new beginning.

Whatup my peoples? Welcome to the place to be, the April 2013 Opinions Column. I know, I know, I’m a few days late, but I can explain. Before all that though, welcome! For those that’re new to the site, this is the place where I talk about anything and everything goin’ on in my life (and there’s a lot this time around). For those that’re returning to the site, welcome back…you already know the drills. With that said, let me talk about this new beginning of mine.

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Thursday, October 6th, 2011

So a few weeks ago, I attended the Tampa Bay International Curry Festival. An all day event, the festival featured lots of food, lots of music, and live performances from Ruben Studdard, Donnie Klang (of Making the Band), and Roach Killa, among others.

During the event, I had a chance to be interviewed by Desi Web USA. Check out the videos in the link below, I’m in “Curry Festival Part 3” and “Curry Festival Part 4.” And oh yeah, I have a mini freestyle in there too!

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Saturday, October 1st, 2011

“Much success to ya, even if ya’ wish me the opposite
Sooner or later, we’ll all see who the prophet is”

– Nas on “Nas is Like

Whatup my peoples? Welcome back to the Opinions Column, the one spot on the planet where you can get into the head of yours truly. This past month was really good to me, so let’s not waste any time and jump right into it.

September, oh September. Generally speaking, Septembers are rough for me. In the past, I’ve gone through lots of bad experiences during the month. From nasty breakups to bad news, it’s always dangerous. And the 30th of the month has always been extra krazy for some reason. Well anyway, this September was far from that. Despite experiencing some lows (I’ll get to that later), I didn’t let it get to me. Instead, I embraced the highs. And yes, there were lots of them.

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