Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

2019, what a year you’ve been. It feels like just a blur, but there’s been a TON of things that have shaped this year. From Canada winning its first NBA championship, to droves of people marching for climate change, to the Avengers becoming the highest grossing film of all time, it’s been super eventful. We saw a black hole get photographed, a U.S. president get impeached for only the third time in history, and sadly, continued violence throughout the country and world. It’s been a very busy year for real.

As I’ve done in years past, I want to take some time out and reflect on the year I’ve had too. There have been many great things I’ve experienced throughout the year, while other stuff I wouldn’t mind forgetting lol. But all in all, it’s important to appreciate how far we’ve traveled together. And BELIEVE ME, it’s been a long journey! Anddd with that said, let’s do it.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy my 2019 year in review!

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Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015


2015. Without a doubt, this year will forever hold special significance to me. Apart from my personal life activities, we saw a lot. We saw water on mars being discovered, Adele returning to the spotlight, and Star Wars mania return. While there were many positive topics, this year seemed to be weighed down with many sad topics too. From the tragic shootings in Paris to the Syrian refugee crisis to all the gun violence in America, there was a lot. It’s been quite the eventful year for real.

I know I’m writing my 2015 Year in Review, but it still hasn’t hit me that the year is almost over and we’re almost in 2016. Well, in the following column, I’ll revisit my own personal 2015 and touch on all the highlights. As I mentioned above, this year holds special significance and I’ll get into that. 2015 has been a year of years. So here it goes…my 2015 Year in Review.

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