Wednesday, December 17th, 2014

2014 Honeys of the Year

It’s been a really great year, hasn’t it? As 2014 winds down, we look back at the Honeys of the Month that have graced the website. The Honeys section continues to be one of the strongest sections of the site, so it’s only right that we revisit it. There have been some extremely wow females throughout the past year. Take a look and you’ll be reminded why. Andddddd if you’d like to see what I mean, here’s a link to all the honeys of 2014.

So tell me…who was your favorite 2014 Honey of the Month??

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Monday, November 24th, 2014

Miracle Watts

Whatup my peoples? Back in the US and back at it. This month’s Honey of the Month is Miracle Watts, who you may have seen in magazines, videos, and even mentioned by Drake. As always, more pics after the break.

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