Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

2019, what a year you’ve been. It feels like just a blur, but there’s been a TON of things that have shaped this year. From Canada winning its first NBA championship, to droves of people marching for climate change, to the Avengers becoming the highest grossing film of all time, it’s been super eventful. We saw a black hole get photographed, a U.S. president get impeached for only the third time in history, and sadly, continued violence throughout the country and world. It’s been a very busy year for real.

As I’ve done in years past, I want to take some time out and reflect on the year I’ve had too. There have been many great things I’ve experienced throughout the year, while other stuff I wouldn’t mind forgetting lol. But all in all, it’s important to appreciate how far we’ve traveled together. And BELIEVE ME, it’s been a long journey! Anddd with that said, let’s do it.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy my 2019 year in review!

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Sunday, July 28th, 2019

After the recent release of “Avengers: Endgame”, we’re still reeling over what happened and thinking about how it ended. Fans are also wondering who will carry the torch for the Marvel Cinematic Universe going forward.

Spider-Man: Far From Home answers addresses this, while also giving us a mix of action, humor, and emotion. From stellar performances from Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhall, this film delivers while also feeling like a comic book come to life.

Take a listen to my latest movie rap review to hear more about what I thought. So, what did you think of the movie?

Sunday, July 28th, 2019