Thursday, May 2nd, 2013


“Daylight beams, night life schemes
This is my inception, I’m writing my dreams”

– Common on “Blue Sky

You ever feel like there are so many things going on in your life, that you’re trapped in a whirlwind? Like you got a million things to juggle and you gotta try your best to handle it all? Well, that’s how my April felt like…except the whirlwind was great.

Whatup y’all? What’s poppin?? Welcome to the May 2013 Opinions Column! It’s an exciting time in my life and I’m excited to share it with you. If you’re new to the site, this is the spot where you can dig deep into my head to find out all that’s going on. I tend to ramble n ramble n ramble n…see, you get the point lol. For those that’re returning to the site, thank you and welcome back! You know the drills. AND with that outta the way, let’s talk about the whirlwind that was April!

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Saturday, April 6th, 2013

New Beginning

“Cause when I look back at a fly young cat
Who could rap with a dream, look where I took that”

T.I. on “Slideshow

There are certain significant moments in your life that you define as rites of passages. Whether it’s getting your driver’s license, graduating, or getting married, there are certain defining moments that you’ll probably remember forever. This past month, I experienced one of them. This past month, I experienced a new beginning.

Whatup my peoples? Welcome to the place to be, the April 2013 Opinions Column. I know, I know, I’m a few days late, but I can explain. Before all that though, welcome! For those that’re new to the site, this is the place where I talk about anything and everything goin’ on in my life (and there’s a lot this time around). For those that’re returning to the site, welcome back…you already know the drills. With that said, let me talk about this new beginning of mine.

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Thursday, February 9th, 2012

On Friday, February 17, 2012 until Sunday, February 19, 2012, Tampa Bay will be throwing the third annual India International Film Festival. Taking place at Channelside Cinemas, this three day festival will open with a main feature presentation and opening night gala, followed by a variety of feature films, short films, music videos and documentaries from different genres.

If you guys remember, I premiered the video for “Blow” there last year. Well this year, my newest song “Do it 2 Me” (featuring Jabi and produced by Digital Desi) will be featured in the film “Uncoupled“. Check out the trailer for the film festival alongside the trailer for the film itself below. Hope to see you guys there!

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