Saturday, October 31st, 2020

“It’s beauty in the struggle”
– J. Cole on Love Yourz

For some reason, it’s hard for many people to operate with a sense of urgency. Unless there are deadlines, many people will coast along and then take action. Even if something is super important, why does it still not feel like it’s urgent?

Before we continue, I’d like to welcome you to the October 2020 Opinions Column. This is the place where I talk about whatever’s on my mind, from music to movies to staying motivated. If you’re new here, welcome! And if you’re returning, welcome back! And with that said, let’s talk about moving with urgency.

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Sunday, December 1st, 2013

Pressure's On

“You’re so familiarized with what having to swallow this pill is like
It happens all the time, they take your heart and steal your life
And it’s as though you feel you’ve died, cause you’ve been killed inside
But yet you’re still alive, which means you will survive”

– Eminem on “Beautiful Pain

I thought when I got older, things would become more clear. Instead, there are more question marks than ever before. One thing I do know is, if I wanna get to where I wanna get, I gotta change my mentality. There’s gotta be a sense of urgency that takes over. Often times, I get bogged down by trivial issues that I lose sight of the main goal. Moving forward, I gotta change that. I gotta start thinking that the pressure’s on.

Whatup world! Welcome one and all to the December 2013 Opinions Column (holy crap, where did the year go?). For those that’re new to the site, this is the one place where you can dig deep within the crevices of my brain to find out what’s going on. Here, I’ll talk about music, movies, sports…anything that is on my mind really. For those that’re returning to the site and those that’re regulars, welcome back! And thank you! With the formalities outta the way, let me talk about…pressure.

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