Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

2011 has been quite the year, hasn’t it? It was the year of the revolution and the year of the protestor. We saw deaths of Bin Laden and Gadhafi along with the Occupy Wall Street movement. In addition, we saw stories about the Royal Wedding, the Casey Anthony trial, Steve Jobs, the shaky economy, and the earthquakes of Japan. Between that and stories about Kim Kardashian, Rebecca Black, and Charlie Sheen, there was a lot that happened this year.

With 2011 winding down (which I still can’t believe), I wanted to take a look at where I’ve been. I wanted to take a look at the year that was 2011, but not so much the news; instead, I wanted to visit the stuff that I’ve been through both personally and professionally. It’s definitely been an “eventful” year to say the least, and I felt like capturing that. In addition, it was a pretty interesting year for music too. So anyway, in this hybrid edition of the Opinions Column, I’ll talk about everything 2011.

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Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

After a LONG ROAD traveled (and long is probably an understatement), I made it. Hold up, did you just say you made it? Yup, I sure did. FINALLY, I present to you the brand new AJAXXX.COM! What started out as a project over two years ago culminated into a HUGE undertaking. I took down the old site over six months ago and rehauled it into the newness that is before you. I remember when I told myself this would take a month HAHA. It’s been nothing short of eventful, and I’m really happy that I made it. Is it okay to let out a sigh of relief now?

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Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

Check me out featured in Sindhi Tattler magazine! This one makes me proud.

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Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Taken from the press release:

California to Orlando“Water, No Ice” is an online South Asian portal in attempt to provide their readers with political, cultural and social issues that most concern us, covering both Indian roots and American lifestyle. The writers of “Water, No Ice” want to profile the members of the South Asian community who are making an impact in their own unique way, and this month they’ve featured Orlando-based rapper Ajaxxx.

Author Vidya Pradhan has found her calling as a writer, contributing not only to “Water, No Ice,” but also to a local community paper in Fremont, California where she lives. Pradhan sat down with Ajaxxx and the two discussed everything from his recent trip to India to rapping against violence and his heavy future as a rapper.

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