Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

Tianna Gregory

Whatup my peoples? Back from Philly and back with the newest Honey of the Month, the sexy Tianna Gregory. Check out more pics below.

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Friday, July 5th, 2013

Time Flies

“Let me relive my younger days just once again, reenact my memories
from every friend to every sin, keeping demons buried in…
my closet, but yet I put in work like a deposit
on my bank account, My eyes lit while I think about my childhood
now I’m blanking out, those were truly my best days…”

– J. Cole on “Farewell

I’ve been doing a lot of reading about time lately. I’ve also had a few convos with some friends over the last month on the topic too. For some reason, time seems to move much faster now than when we were younger. Moments that you looked forward to are just blurs in the past now. Milestones have become memories, and it’s hard to comprehend why. I don’t know what it is (and there are a ton of theories out there), but time flies much faster when you get older. Compound that with not “taking the time to smell the roses”, and well…it’s even harder to figure out where the time went.

What is up my peoples? Welcome one and all to the July 2013 Opinions Column. July is my birthday month! With every birthday month Opinions Column, I get extra deep/philosophical/borderline krazy. This year is no different, especially since there’s a ton on my mind that I wanna talk about…especially dealing with time. If you’re new to the site, this is the place where I talk about everythinggggg going on within the chasms of my brizzain. And if you’re returning, muchas gracias! I love you! LoL and with that outta the way, let’s talk about something that I’ve been thinking about (and talking about) throughout the past month…time.

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