Friday, November 13th, 2020

Featured on my mixtape “He’s a Monster!”, here is my single for “Yes We Can (And We Did).” Produced by TypeNyce, we released this the day after Barack Obama won the election in 2008.

This is part of my project re-release series, as I re-release some of my songs that have appeared on previous mixtapes. I felt like there may be people that haven’t heard these, and it would be good to share with new audiences. It’s also possible people have heard these on CD, but prefer to hear them online now.

“Yes We Can (And We Did)” is now available on all major streaming platforms. Click HERE or on the picture above to listen.

Thursday, November 12th, 2020

The next single cover that I designed is for “Yes We Can (And We Did)”, a song I released back in 2008 after President Obama won the election. I tried to go for a vintage patriotic poster as the theme for this. It took me awhile to get this down, as I went through multiple revisions. But overall, I think it came out good and I’m happy with it.

“Yes We Can (And We Did)” is now available on major streaming platforms. Click HERE to listen.

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

Andddddddd the wait is over! Presenting to you my newest music video for “One of a Kind.” It’s been quiteee the journey but we made it. Completing this video was one of the biggest projects I’ve ever taken on and it definitely tested my patience and perseverance lol. Between all nighters, never-ending render times, and learning a ton along the way, it’s been one krazy experience. I pushed on though and was able to get it done!

Big ups to Bravura Magazine and InFocus Film Works for everything. And of course, special thanks to an amazing cast and crew for all your hard work and effort. You helped me turn my vision into a reality and because of that, thank you.

Okay, here it is! One of a Kind!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

One of a Kind - Single Cover

Talk about exciting! My new single “One of a Kind” is NOW available on iTunes! It’s krazy, you know? It’s like I’m watching my dreams manifest right in front of my eyes. It’s an amazing, exhilirating feeling to work so hard on something and finally see it come to life.

Free Download
Download the new single “One of a Kind” from Ajaxxx

It took awhile to get here, but I’m reallyyy glad that we made it (and that’s an understatement lol). In addition to iTunes, the new single can also be found on Amazon, Google Play, Spotify, and more! So what’re you waiting for? Get yo’ download on!

And in case you want to hear the full song again, it’s below.

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Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

You ever work so hard on something with no finish line in sight? Ever get so caught up on a project but continued to have hope? And have you ever worked so hard on something and FINALLY saw it come together? Well that’s how I feel right now.

After a long, long, LONG journey, my brand new single is finally here! Check out “One of a Kind” produced by the homey TyPeNyCe. The song is vintage Ajaxxx, featuring a fun and catchy flow over an infectious, ethnic beat. Big ups to EVERYONE that contributed to this song to make it happen.