“Cause you know life is what we make it
and a chance is like a picture, it’d be nice if you just take it”
– Drake on Alicia Key’s “Un-Thinkable (I’m Ready) Remix“
No matter how eventful my life is, I often remind myself to stay grounded. Life is full of ups and downs and twists and turns. What I’ve learned is that no matter what I’m going through (no matter how bad), there’s something good right around the corner waiting to happen. I know it’s hard to consider that when you’re caught in the moment, but trust me…the best is yet to come.
What is up my peoples! Welcome one and all to the July 2014 Opinions Column aka my birthday month! Excuse me while I get hype!!!!!!! Haha, I always get excited in July since it’s my birthday month. It’s especially exciting this month since I’ve made great strides in the last year. For those that’re new to the site, this is the place where you can deep within the microcosms of my brain to find out what’s up with me. For those returning, you know the drills! Andddddddd with the formalities a thing of the past, let’s talk about LIFE.
With every July, I take a moment out and reflect. It’s one of those things that I do a lot. As much drama has accompanied my life, I can say with confidence that I’ve been blessed. Between having family, friends, and my health, there’s a lot of good things in my life. Combine that with the CDs I’ve released, videos I’ve dropped, traveling I’ve done, and so much more, it’s hard for me to complain. Now don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows; there have been TONS of unnecessary issues in my life. However, there comes a time where you need to let go of your past…and embrace your future.
Now despite my blessings (and shortcomings), I do believe the best is yet to come. This little saying helps to work harder and motivates me to not give up. As much as I wanna be lazy sometimes and just chill, whenever I remind myself that there’s more positives ahead, I pick myself up and get back to the grind. And you know what, it’s worked out for me. I’ve met some incredible people, seen some amazing places, and experienced some super-memorable things. So my advice to you…whenever life gets you down (or even when you’re doing great)…remind yourself that exciting things do lie ahead.
In 2011, I had an opportunity to go to India for three months for a work-related trip. After an extremelyyyyy long process, I didn’t end up going. I was somewhat bummed, I won’t lie…but somehow I managed to keep a positive outlook on the situation. Yes, I didn’t get a chance to go but I was sure there was something better in store for me. Having that outlook is difficult and I wasn’t always perfect but I tried my best. I look back now and realized that the negative moment translated into several positive results. I’m gonna need you to elaborate Jaxxx.
LoL wellllllllll, I just received confirmation that I’m going to Switzerland for THREE months now! Holy crap, right? Yup, I’ll be traveling to Europe where I’ll be living for a little while. I honestly don’t believe this opp would’ve presented itself to me unless the whole India trip fell through. See what I mean, life has a funny way of working out. I mean, don’t get me wrong…I still wish I would’ve gone lol…but I feel it was for the best cause here I am presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And as much as I wanna tell myself yes, it’s because you worked hard and kept pushing yourself…I know it’s also because of my positive outlook.
Basically what I’m trying to say is, stay positive and good things will happen. Whether you’re down in the dumps or up in the clouds, stay grounded and remind yourself of the future and you’ll be alright. I mean, I’m not gonna pretend that I have all the answers, but keeping a positive outlook has always seemed to guide me.
In otherrrrrrrrrr news (and getting away from all this future biz), let’s talk about MUSIC for a second! I’m getting ready to record a new video for my next single soon, and I’ve already started making plans for it (OH SNAP!). The next single will be called “Broken Dreams” and I’m extremely excited about it. It’s got a completely different vibe than “One of a Kind” and it takes me to an emotional place. Honestly, when I hear that song I remember why I started rapping in the first place. Anyway, I’ve got that coming up along with another video that I’ll be shooting in Tampa. So it looks to be a busy month ahead for me…can’t wait!
It’s been kinda hard for me to not be able to record for all these months, I can’t lie. I’ll get back to it soon though and I can’t waittttttt til I do. While I’m out in Europe, I also hope to make some musical strides. So between the upcoming videos and that, I’m looking forward to a busy 2014 haha.
So in closing, be confident that exciting things are ahead. I can’t even front, with all this talk about the future it’s hard not to think about the past. And as I get another year older, it’s even harder not to reflect. It’s been quite the rollercoaster. But I’m saying, life has ways of surprising you if you genuinely believe that better things are ahead and if you’re positive about it. It’s mad easy to get down about stuff (and where’s the fun in that, right?). Instead, stay optimistic and remind yourself what I did…the best IS yet to come.
ANDDDDDDDDDDD WITH THAT, that’ll do it for the July 2014 Opinions Column! Thanks for reading and for rocking with me! Here’s to an exciting birthday month ahead. Stay safe, stay up, and hold ya head…AJAXXX SIGNING OUT, PEACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[…] Column. I didn’t wanna ramble on for too long…I felt I didn’t enough of that in last month’s Opinions Column haha. Until next month (when I’ll be in Switzerland, OH SNAP!!!!!!!!!)! Stay up, stay safe, […]