Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

It’s been quite the year, hasn’t it? From finally releasing the music video for “One of a Kind” to freestyling all around the world, it’s been an eventful year. Check out the video above and revisit memory lane with me.

As 2014 comes to a close, I’d like to thank you for your continued support, especially throughout this past year. It’s been a rollercoaster year and you’ve traveled it with me so thank you. Have a happy holiday!

Monday, December 22nd, 2014


2014, oh 2014, what a year you’ve been. You’ve given us the ALS ice bucket challenge, the World Cup, and the Ebola scare. We saw the Ferguson riots, NY riots, and movements around the world too. And sadly, we lost many people, including one of my favorite actors Robin Williams. 2014 has been quite the year for many reasons.

As I reflect upon the past 12 months, it’s a trip that it’s already been a year. It seems like time flies faster and faster the older I get (or maybe I’m having THAT much fun? Lol). Every year, instead of simply revisiting the news, I revisit my year. From highlights in music and videos to where I’ve been and what I’ve seen, this past year has been quite the amazing one. I saw a lot, did a lot, and learned a lot too. I grew, I progressed, and I overcame. And I sound like quite the philosopher right now haha. Well anywayyy, with that said I present to you one of my favorite columns that I love putting together every year around this time…MY 2014 year in review.

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Wednesday, December 17th, 2014

2014 Honeys of the Year

It’s been a really great year, hasn’t it? As 2014 winds down, we look back at the Honeys of the Month that have graced the website. The Honeys section continues to be one of the strongest sections of the site, so it’s only right that we revisit it. There have been some extremely wow females throughout the past year. Take a look and you’ll be reminded why. Andddddd if you’d like to see what I mean, here’s a link to all the honeys of 2014.

So tell me…who was your favorite 2014 Honey of the Month??

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Monday, December 15th, 2014

“Cause we love to party in the United Kingdom!” That’s right y’all, my newest video comes live via London! I recently had an opportunity to visit the UK where I kicked some rhymes in a variety of places. I hit up Big Ben, London Bridge, and Buckingham Palace, among other places. Check it out and lemme know what you think!

Saturday, December 13th, 2014

Helga Lovekaty

Whatup whatup? With 2014 coming to a close, I present to you the December 2014 Honey of the Month, Helga Lovekaty. This Russian beauty has some amazing pics and is perhaps one of my favorite for the year. Check out what I mean below.

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