Thursday, May 28th, 2015

Sydney Maler

Whatup world? I know, I know…I’m extremely late with this post. It’s been a busy month, what can I say? Well anyway, we’re back at it with the May 2015 Honey of the Month. Just made it haha. Check out pictures below from the lovely Sydney Maler.

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Tuesday, May 5th, 2015


“Cause life is short if you don’t know this it’ll pass you by
That’s why my head is in the clouds tryin to pass the sky”

– Ludacris on “Ludacris – Child of the Night

Sometimes, you have to stop over thinking things and just do it. Sometimes, you have to stop waiting and start moving. And sometimes, you have to jump.

What is up my peoples? Welcome to the May 2015 Opinions Column. For those that are new to the site, this is the sole spot on planet earth where you can get deep within my brainal cavities (because brainal is a word) and find out what I’m thinking about. For those that’re returning, you already know the drills! But welcome also lol. Anddd with that said, let’s talk about jumping.

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