Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

And the moment has finally arrived. After hinting about it, then dropping a preview for it, new Ajaxxx music is HERE. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my new single: “Broken Dreams.” The song features the vocals of Anais Torres and is produced by Santiago Skillz.

“Broken Dreams” is a departure from anything I’ve ever released. Instead of upbeat party-ness or killing the mic, this song shows a different, more serious side to me. I really open up on here. I visit topics including self-doubt, lost love, and family. I also remind myself why believing is so important. This is perhaps from one of my most personal songs. I hope you feel it as much I did when I wrote it.

And if you ARE feeling it, please share (anddd let me know what you think). Thank you!

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

Audrey Aleen Allen

Whatup world? We’re back at it with the August 2015 Honey of the Month, Audrey Aleen Allen. No explanation necessary…the pics say it alllll.

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Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

It’s been an eventful time in my life…so eventful that some may have been led to believe that I’ve forgone music (or at least put it on the back burner). On the contraryyy, I’ve been readying the new single for this moment.

Presenting to you the FIRST LISTEN of “Broken Dreams” featuring Anais Torres and produced by Santiago Skillz! The full version is on the way!

Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

Oh, How Far We've Come

“So I guess the moral of this here class is:
Life about who make it now, not about who make it the fastest”

– T.I. on “Drive Slow

It’s a glorious month and I’m gloriously late with this Opinions Column lol. I guess I’ve had more going on than usual, which lends itself to the topic this month. With how busy we get, it’s sometimes a good idea to reflect on how far we’ve come. Before you know it, life passes you by and you’re left wondering where did the time go? I’m sure everyone has felt like that one time or another. So this month, let’s take a moment. Let’s take a moment to appreciate how far we’ve come.

What is up my peoples? We’re back at it with the August 2015 Opinions Column, which is way later than usual. For those that’re new to the site, welcome! This is the sole spot where you can find out what’s going on with me on a personal level (outside of the music, of course). For those that’ve been returning to the site, welcome back! With that said, let’s talk about life!

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