Thursday, June 30th, 2016

Renee Somerfield

Whatup y’all? Just made it with the June 2016 Honey of the Month. Presenting to you the lovely Renee Somerfield. More pics after the break.

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Tuesday, June 14th, 2016


On the morning of June 12th, I received a Facebook notification to mark myself safe. Safe? Why, I asked. According to FB, there was a terrorist attack in Orlando. That can’t be right. This is Orlando we’re talking about. That kind of stuff can’t happen here. But as I began to watch the news and check my social media accounts, it was true. Orlando was struck by tragedy.

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Friday, June 10th, 2016


“Talking ’bout progress, I ain’t lookin’ back
You know I run track, try not to get lapped”

– Jay-Z on “What We Talkin’ About”

With change, there comes transition. There’s a period where you’ve got one foot in the past while you’re trying to move forward and it’s not easy. But once you get past transition…that is, once you pull yourself into the present…there comes progression. And progression, my friends, is addictive. Welcome to my life.

What is up world? What’s popping? Welcome to the June 2016 Opinions Column aka the month where I finally catch up (kinda sorta lol) with the posts on this site. For those that’re wondering, this is where I talk about my life and give you a behind-the-scenes look into Ajaxxx. For those that’re returning to the site, welcome back and glad to have you again. And with that said, let’s talk specifically about this progression that I mysteriously alluded to in the intro.

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Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

Carmella Rose

Whatup world? Still playing catch up! Here’s the May 2016 Honey of the Month, Carmella Rose. And rest assured, June’s will be on time. More pics after the break.

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