Wednesday, July 26th, 2017

After the recent release of “Spider-Man: Homecoming”, you know I had to do a movie rap review for it. But before I did, I asked myself, “what would happen if I did a comic book movie review, inside of a comic book?” Lol of course I had to find out.

Thank you to Marvel and Sony for creating a great movie that truly captures the spirit of our favorite webslinger Spider-Man.

Friday, July 21st, 2017

Whatup y’all? We are back at it with the July 2017 Honey of the Month. This month features Brazilian model and Singer Juliana Caetano. More pics after the break.

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Monday, July 17th, 2017

“Y’all think small, I think Biggie”
– Jay-Z on “Family Feud

Far too often, we focus on what’s ahead. We’re looking at our calendars for what’s coming up, what we need to plan for, and what to expect. Whether it’s tomorrow’s meeting, next week’s social event, or next month’s movie release (there’s a lot more examples), we get caught up. I mean, I know I’m guilty of it. Instead of focusing on what we already have, we’re constantly thinking about what we don’t have. So with this month’s Opinions Column, I wanna focus on something really important…gratitude.

Before we move ahead though, welcome! This is the July 2017 Opinions Column. It’s here that I talk about anything and everything that’s going on with me. For those that’re returning, welcome back! And for those that’re new to the site, glad to have you here. With that said, let’s talk ’bout the topic of this month’s Opinions Column, gratitude, and why it’s so important.

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Friday, July 7th, 2017

For my latest video, check out my rap remix to “Despacito” where I blend some Spanish and English lyrics.

Friday, July 7th, 2017