Sunday, December 31st, 2017

2017, what a year you’ve been. From all the YouTube videos I did to returning to the mic booth, there’s so much that definied this year. Check out the video and let’s reminisce together.

Friday, December 29th, 2017

2017, what a year you’ve been. It seems like just yesterday we were starting the year, and now here we are winding down. It’s definitely been one for the history books, hasn’t it? From an unpredictable president to a royal wedding announcement to the biggest Super Bowl comeback in history, there were many things that defined the year. We witnessed KD get a ring, Episode 8 finally release, and an Avengers trailer that broke all sorts of records. A new iPhone released, Disney bought Fox, and there was a revolving door at the White House. And on a sadder note, we saw the tragedy in Las Vegas. It’s been an absolutely unreal year.

While I just spent that intro discussing this year’s defining moments, I’d also like to talk about the year that I had. Every year at around this time, I take a moment and reflect back. Whether the rap life or personal life, I’ve always thought it’s important to appreciate where you’ve come. And of course, it’s also good to look back at how much we’ve accomplished together. And from what I can remember, it’s been a lot.

So here it is. My 2017 year in review. In the words of Kanye, “like we always do at this time…”

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Wednesday, December 27th, 2017

2017, oh 2017. You’ve been quite a year, especially when we look back at the Honeys of the Month. As the year winds down, let’s take a moment and look back at the honeys of 2017. We’ve traveled many places this past year and it was definitely an adventure. So yes, let’s look back and remember 2017. And as we’ve done in years past, click here to see all the 2017 Honeys.

So tell me…who was your favorite Honey of the Month for 2017?

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Tuesday, December 26th, 2017

“But it’s never too late to start a new beginnin’
That goes for you too, so what the fuck you gon’ do?
Use the tools you’re given!
Or you’re gon’ use the cards you’re dealt
As an excuse for you to not do shit with ’em?”

– Eminem on “Believe

Four years ago, I wrote this. Years later, and it still rings truer than ever:

There are certain significant moments in your life that you define as rites of passages. Whether it’s getting your driver’s license, graduating, or getting married, there are certain defining moments that you’ll probably remember forever. This past month, I experienced one of them. This past month, I experienced a new beginning.

But before all that, whatup y’all! What’s going on? Welcome to the December 2017 Opinions Column aka the last one for the year! Holy wow! It’s hard to believe that this year is wrapping up. For those that’re new to the site, this is the place where I talk about anything and everything on my mind. For those returning, you already know! I feel like it’s been a whirlwind since my last Opinions Column, so let’s catch up, shall we?

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Thursday, December 14th, 2017

After the recent release of DC’s Justice League, there has been lots of mixed reviews and reactions about it. While some thought this was a great movie showing the evolution of the DCEU, others felt it may have been too rushed. In this video I share my thoughts.

Much props to DC for giving us some of our favorite characters on the big screen.