Friday, December 28th, 2018

2018, oh 2018, what a year you have been. Between headlines about the Royal Wedding, the World Cup, and everything Trump, it’s been a busy year. The Eagles finally won the Super Bowl, Democrats took back the House, and Thanos wiped out half the population. Zuckerberg went to Washington, a selfie was taken on Mars, and sadly, we all witnessed the tragedy in Parkland, FL. It’s crazy how much happened this past year.

While it’s been a year of big events, I also want to talk about the year that I experienced. Every year around this time, I take a moment and reflect back. Whether it’s the rap life or personal life, I’ve always thought it’s important to appreciate where we’ve come. And of course, it’s also healthy to look at how much we’ve accomplished together. And from what I can recall, there’s been a lot.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy this. Here is my 2018 year in review!

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Thursday, December 20th, 2018

“Free your mind and everything’ll follow”
– J. ColeĀ 

Do you ever feel like you’re in a rut? Or do you just feel down about the year, not quite sure where it all went? Whatever it is, sometimes we get down on ourselves and need a pick-me-up. In times like those, it’s healthy to hit the reset button. I figured this would be a good topic to talk about, especially with it being the end of the year.

Before we get too ahead of ourselves though, welcome to the December 2018 Opinions Column. For those of you that are visiting here for the first time, this is the place where I talk about whatever’s on my mind. For those that’re returning, you already know. The year is winding down and I thought about what kind of feelings some of us might be experiencing. If that’s you, let’s talk about it together.

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Monday, December 10th, 2018

“So we live a life like a video
When the sun is always out and you never get old”

– Jay-Z on “Forever Young

Have you ever caught yourself saying “I can’t believe it’s already December” or “this month really flew by”? If so, we’re probably feeling something similar…that life is moving way too fast. It seems as the older we become, the faster the days go by. And with the blink of an eye, we’re wondering where the time went. Welcome to hyperspeed.

Before we fast forward though (see what I did there?), let me take a moment to welcome you. Welcome to the November 2018 Opinions Column. I’m catching up! For those that’re new to the site, this is where I talk about anything and everything going on. For those that’re returning, welcome back! And with that, let’s talk about why life feels like it’s moving so fast.

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