Thursday, December 20th, 2018

“Free your mind and everything’ll follow”
– J. ColeĀ 

Do you ever feel like you’re in a rut? Or do you just feel down about the year, not quite sure where it all went? Whatever it is, sometimes we get down on ourselves and need a pick-me-up. In times like those, it’s healthy to hit the reset button. I figured this would be a good topic to talk about, especially with it being the end of the year.

Before we get too ahead of ourselves though, welcome to the December 2018 Opinions Column. For those of you that are visiting here for the first time, this is the place where I talk about whatever’s on my mind. For those that’re returning, you already know. The year is winding down and I thought about what kind of feelings some of us might be experiencing. If that’s you, let’s talk about it together.

So every year around this time, I tend to reflect on how the last 12 months have been. Have they been productive? Or has it not quite met your expectations? Well, I’m somewhere in the middle lol. While I did get a lot done, reached out to new people, and recorded new music and videos, I didn’t get quite as much accomplished as I would’ve liked. Perhaps it was work, life responsibilities, or just me. I dunno. What I do know is, there were several times where I felt stuck or in a rut…especially when I dwell on all the stuff I didn’t get done. So what did I do?

Well, I’m not even gonna pretend like I’m back to 100%. However, there are a few things that picked me up and got me feeling better…

Change your mindset – Instead of thinking about all the things you haven’t done, think about all that you HAVE done. Even if it’s just one thing, appreciate your accomplishments and appreciate yourself. I’ve found that by thinking more positive, I feel better about things. It’s not always easy, especially when you’re in the moment, but sometimes it helps to take a step back and realize what you’ve done. For me, it also helps to write it down – that way, I can visualize what I have done which helps propel me forward.

Don’t compare yourself to others – Look, you can get really discouraged if you look at other peoples’ accomplishments and ask yourself why you aren’t there. Well, your life is different and you’re not that person…you are you. You’re unique and so is your story. You have different obligations and different priorities. It’s unfair, then, to compare yourself to someone else…especially when you don’t know everything going on with them. Just put your head down, put your blinders on, and focus on YOU.

Push forward – There’s no reason to get stuck on what happened, or what IS happening. Instead, look ahead and keep pushing. Success takes a lot of work and a lot of grinding. It also takes a lot of learning which isn’t gonna happen fast. So whenever you get down on today, don’t forget about tomorrow…and the day after that…and the day after that. And believe me, if you continue to be productive, good things will happen.

By applying some or all of those tips, hopefully you’ll feel less stuck and more optimistic. It’s not easy, I know. I also have to remind myself of those things from time to time. But slowly, it should make a difference. So here’s to hitting the reset button.

And with that said, I’m gonna get back to work! Gotta get ready for the new year.

Stay up, stay safe, and hold ya head. Ajaxxx signing out, PEACEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!