Saturday, December 6th, 2014

Geneva, Switzerland

“No I’m not lucky, I’m blessed, yes”
– Nicki Minaj on “Moment 4 Life

There are some moments in my life when I have to take a moment, reflect, and recognize just how blessed I am. This is one of those moments. In fact, there have been many of them over the last few months. It’s been a surreal time in my life, and I can’t help but be thankful for everything. It really is an amazing time in my life.

What is up my people! Welcome one and welcome all to the December 2014 Opinions Column! Oh snap, is it really December? Seriously, where did 2014 go anyway? In a blink of an eye, we’re looking at 2015. For those that’re new to the site, welcome and glad you can join me. This is the place where I open up and talk about anything slash everything that’s on my mind. For those that’re returning to the site, welcome back and glad you can join me. And with my introduction formally behind us, let’s talk about just why I feel extremely blessed.

If you’ve been keeping up with me, you’d know I spent the last few months traveling throughout Europe. While I was working, I was also sightseeing. I saw some of the most incredible, extraordinary sights you’ll ever see a lifetime. I mean, I saw the Sistine Chapel, the Eiffel Tower, the Swiss Alps, and more. I visited museums, churches, and even castles. I had pizza in Italy, french fries in France, and beer in Germany. There were a few times where I had to take a step back and say wow. I experienced things that some people probably never get to see in their life and for that, I’m extremely blessed.

There was one moment while I was in Geneva when I was visiting St. Pierre Cathedral when it really hit me. I climbed up like 500 million steps in this tower to get to the top. When I got there, I overlooked the city and saw an amazing view. At that moment, I was like damn Jaxxx…do you realize what you’re seeing? Do you realize how lucky you are? Do you understand just how blessed you have to be to have this opportunity? A lot of thoughts were running through my head at that time. And that feeling carried with me throughout a lot of other places I ventured to while in Europe.

Beyond Sindh

If all the traveling wasn’t enough, when I returned back home I found myself featured in the 10-year anniversary edition of Beyond Sindh Magazine. How awesome is that, right? They did a feature on me where they asked me about what I’ve been up to over the past few years and where I’m headed in the future. I mean, between the Europe trip and the magazine feature, I’m like man this is crazy. Of course there are some other things throughout my life too, which combined make me feel very blessed to be in this position.

It’s not JUST the traveling or the press or any of that which makes me feel that I’m blessed; there’s a lot. I have my health, family, home, and so much more. I mean, just look at how far I’ve come in 2014. It’s really an amazing time in my life.

And with that said, take a look at some of the places I visited during my trip in Europe. If you want to see more, check out the September, October, and November Opinions Columns.

Until next time, stay up, stay safe, and hold ya head. Ajaxxx signing out, PEACEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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One Response to “December 2014 Opinions of the Month: Extremely Blessed”
  1. […] All I do know is, I’m extremely blessed to have had this opportunity. As I mentioned in the December 2014 Opinions Column, “I experienced things that some people probably never get to see in their life and for that, […]