Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

“I’m prolific, so gifted
I’m the type that’s gon’ go get it, no kiddin'”
– Nipsey Hussle on “Victory Lap

There are moments of planning and then there are moments of action. In this instance, it’s all about Go Time.

What up my peoples! What’s going on? Welcome to the Ajaxxx.com April 2019 Opinions Column. This is the sole spot on earth (well, outside of the music, I suppose) where you can get into my head to find out what’s going on. For those that are new to the site, welcome! And for those that are returning, welcome back! With that, let’s talk about the importance of Go Time.

The more I sit back and observe, the more I realize that those that are successful are those that are doing. Whatdya mean, ‘Jaxxx? Well, it’s really easy for us to be in our heads and think about what we want to do. It’s easy having these grand ideas and then just sitting on them. The ideas, the planning, the thinking about, it’s cool. But if you aren’t taking actions on those things and translating them into real things, then what’s the point?

Now, I’m not discounting the importance of planning and strategizing; no, not at all. What I’m saying is, there’s a time for that and then there’s a time to GO. You have to, at some point, execute and take action. You gotta record that song, you gotta shoot that video, you gotta hit that workout. Whatever it is, you gotta do something. You can think about being fit, or you can go to the gym and actually make it happen. Same thing applies to music…I can talk about the album, or I can put my head down and get to work. And it’s those that execute, follow through with a plan, and make things happen that increase their chances of success.

It’s not always easy to do, I know. You may have responsibilities and obligations and things pulling you in other directions. But if it’s really important to you, then you gotta find a way to make it happen.

So stop thinking about it, and start doing it! It’s GO TIME.

Ok, that’s my monthly motivation lol. Now I gotta get to work myself. Until the next episode, y’all. Stay up, stay safe, and hold ya head…Ajaxxx signing out, PEACEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!