Saturday, October 22nd, 2016


“We get together like a choir, to acquire what we desire”
– Jay-Z on “Can’t Knock the Hustle

Sometimes, I look around and become amazed and how divided people have become. For us, as a nation, to be in the same boat and want the same things…and be so hateful towards each other…it surprises me. Now, I realize it’s not everyone and the media tends to exaggerate how bad it is…but when you see it yourself, it’s krazy. And so I’m writing this Opinions Column tackling a topic I’ve talked on before…coming together…again.

Before diving too deep though, let’s rewind a second and welcome you to the October 2016 Opinions Column. For those that are new to the site, welcome welcome…this is where I talk about whateverrr’s on my mind. For those returning, welcome back! And here we go.

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Wednesday, September 28th, 2016

Arianny Celeste

Whatup world? September’s Honey of the Month is the beautiful Arianny Celeste, who you might recognize from UFC, among other places. Definitely been on my radar for a minute and I’m glad we got a chance to feature here this month. It was hard to limit the number of pics, but that’s how it goes. As always, more below.

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Monday, September 19th, 2016


“I’m standing in the flames
And it’s a beautiful kind of pain
Setting fire to yesterday
Find the light, find the light, find the light”

– Sia on Eminem’s “Beautiful Pain

While some of my other Opinion Columns take on a different format, I’ll just keep this one simple. I got new music equipmenttttt!

Before we get into that though, WELCOME! This is the September 2016 Opinions Column. For those that’re new to the site, this is the place on planet earth where you can find out what’s going on with Ajaxxx. For those returning, welcome back…you already know the deals. I typically post these towards the beginning of the month so this post is coming extra late…but I wanted to wait til I had exciting news to share. So yes, let’s talk about this new equipment.

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Thursday, August 25th, 2016

Ines Helene

Whatup world? We’re back at it with the August 2016 Honey of the Month, Ines Helene. As always, more pics can be seen after the break. Enjoyyyyyy!

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Wednesday, August 10th, 2016


“Once again, back is the incredible”
– Rakim on “Guess Who’s Back

I’m not quite sure how it happens, but sometimes we get off track. We lose sight of our goals and get deterred by this krazy thing called life. Whether it’s work, school, or just the random surprises that life throws at us, it’s easy to get distracted. And in turn, you think about how you’ve let it get away from you and become deflated…at least that’s what’s happened to me. Well this month, I want to state that I’m recharged. I’ve let the blah-ness go on for too long. Yes Ajaxxx, it’s time to make moves again.

What is up my peoples? Welcome one and welcome all to the August 2016 Opinions Column! For those that are new to the site, this is where I talk my talk about anything and everything going on in my brainal cavity (not sure if that’s a thing, but you get my point lol). For those that’re returning, welcome back! We got a lot to talk about this month so let’s get right into it.

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