Monday, March 14th, 2016

Balance Beam

Sometimes, I feel like I’m juggling way too much. It’s something I’ve said before but I feel it more than ever now. Between music, art, the people around me, and so much more, there’s a ton on my plate. I’m doing my best to balance it all. While I’m balancing, I also feel like I can fall off any moment. Like, if I don’t balance it all, I might collapse. It’s a real feeling…and the reason I titled this month’s Opinions Column “Balance Beam.”

What up world? What is popping???? Welcome one and all to the kinda-sorta-late Opinions Column lol. I won’t even front, I’m mad late with this and I don’t have excuses. I can tell you WHY I’m late, but again…they’ll just come off as excuses and I don’t wanna get into that. I will accept it lol. So yes, for those that’re new to the site, this is the spot where I talk about what’s on my mind. For those that’re returning, welcome back! And with the intro now a thing of the past, let’s talk about the balancing act that is life.

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Sunday, February 28th, 2016

Claudia Alende

Whatup y’all? In the mix of business but I found time to share the latest Honey of the Month. Here’s the lovely Claudia Alende. Enjoy!

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Friday, February 12th, 2016


“And when they push you down,
You got to get back up”

– T.I. on “Get Back Up

When life gets you down or when things don’t go your way, there’s two things you can do. You can either succumb to the pressures or you can rise above it. I feel like I’ve said that before in another Opinions Column, but it continues to be true. It’s likely that things aren’t going to go the way you want but it’s how you react that determines your happiness. So when life knocks you down, you gotta get back up.

What up world????? What’s good? It’s ya boy Ajaxxx back at it with the latest news from my mind. For those that’re new to the site, this is where I talk about what’s on my mind. For those returning to the site, well…you know what to expect. I wanted to talk a little bit about rising up to challenges because it’s something we need to remind ourselves of from time to time.

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Sunday, January 24th, 2016

Yovanna Ventura

Whatup peeps? It’s 2016 and we’re back with the first Honey of the Month of the new year. Presenting to you Yovanna Ventura.

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Friday, January 8th, 2016


“No matter how easy it is though, don’t ever stop believing”
– Ajaxxx on “Broken Dreams

Happy New Year everyone! It’s a new year and it’s time for a refreshed outlook. So for 2016, the theme is optimism.

What’s up my people? Welcome to the first post of 2016! For those that are new to the site, this is the page where you can read all about what’s going on in my head. For those that are returning, y’all already know the drills! It’s an exciting time in life so let’s jump right into it.

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