Sunday, February 8th, 2015


“Trying to reach a whole nation and break the sleeper hold”

– Inspektah Deck on Wu-Tang Clan’s “A Better Tomorrow

Ever feel like you’re right about to experience an important moment? Or maybe you’ve felt like you’re right about to embark on a meaningful journey? I typically don’t feel like that but lately that’s what I’ve been feeling. It’s nerve-wrecking and exciting simultaneously. While I’m not there yet, I feel like exciting things are right on the horizon…

Whatup everyone? What’s going on? I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve written one of these. I’ve been a bit under the weather the last few days which is why this is coming a bit late. But yes, welcome to the February 2015 Opinions Column (still getting used to the whole 2015 thing). For those that’re new to the site, this is the spot where I tell you what’s been going on with me, the previous month, and anything else I feel is share-worthy. For those returning, welcome back and thanks for joining me. With that said and done, let’s talk ’bout what’s so exciting.

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Sunday, January 18th, 2015

Georgia Salpa

What up world? It’s 2015 and I present to you the first Honey of the Month of the new year. January brings us the sexy Georgia Salpa, an Irish-born model with roots in Greece. Check out the pics and let me know if we brought in 2015 right.

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Monday, January 5th, 2015


“Do it to the maximum, take it while you askin’ em
Don’t listen to them suckers when they say you too irrational”

T.I. on “Big Things Poppin”

Every January, I refocus my goals while revisiting what I did the previous year. I absorb the past and look to the future. This year is no different. I’m extremely excited for 2015 and committed to accomplishing the goals I set out for myself. I’m ready, I’m set, and with 2015, here I go.

What up my peoples? What is good? Welcome one and welcome all to the January 2015 Opinions Column. And oh yea, HAPPY NEW YEAR! For those that’re new to the site, this is the place where I let you in on a personal level and let you know what’s going on with me. For those returning, you already know the deal. With that introduction, let’s talk about last year and what we can look forward to for the new year.

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Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

It’s been quite the year, hasn’t it? From finally releasing the music video for “One of a Kind” to freestyling all around the world, it’s been an eventful year. Check out the video above and revisit memory lane with me.

As 2014 comes to a close, I’d like to thank you for your continued support, especially throughout this past year. It’s been a rollercoaster year and you’ve traveled it with me so thank you. Have a happy holiday!

Monday, December 22nd, 2014


2014, oh 2014, what a year you’ve been. You’ve given us the ALS ice bucket challenge, the World Cup, and the Ebola scare. We saw the Ferguson riots, NY riots, and movements around the world too. And sadly, we lost many people, including one of my favorite actors Robin Williams. 2014 has been quite the year for many reasons.

As I reflect upon the past 12 months, it’s a trip that it’s already been a year. It seems like time flies faster and faster the older I get (or maybe I’m having THAT much fun? Lol). Every year, instead of simply revisiting the news, I revisit my year. From highlights in music and videos to where I’ve been and what I’ve seen, this past year has been quite the amazing one. I saw a lot, did a lot, and learned a lot too. I grew, I progressed, and I overcame. And I sound like quite the philosopher right now haha. Well anywayyy, with that said I present to you one of my favorite columns that I love putting together every year around this time…MY 2014 year in review.

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