Friday, October 18th, 2013

Robin Roxette

Whatup my peoples? Back in town and back with the October 2013 Honey of the Month. Check out the lovely Robin Roxette, hailing from the Netherlands. Big ups to the Chancellor EZ for the suggestion. And with that said, check out the pics!

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Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Positive Vibes

“That’s when you ask yourself how bad do you want
When the man in the mirror is your only opponent”

– Jon Connor on “Lose Yourself

It seems like negativity is something that nobody can escape. You will have haters, doubters, nay-sayers, trash talkers, and the like come around at some point. You’ll meet dishonest, disloyal people that have ulterior motives and you’ll have all sorts of krazy experiences. It’s not that you go searching for it or that you put yourself in that position…it’s life. Despite all that life throws at you though, you have to surround yourself with a positive vibe and positive attitude. Is it hard? Absolutely? Have I got it down? LoL You can say I’m still working on it. All I do know is, in this krazy world that we call life, it’s either change your outlook or let your outlook change you.

What’s upppppppppp people? Welcome on and all to the October 2013 Opinions Column. This is the sole spot on the whole planet where you can learn more about yours truly on a deeper, more personal NSA-style level. For that that’re new to the site, WELCOME! Glad to have you join me. And for those that’re returning, much thanks and welcome back! So with that, let’s talk about the month that was September.

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Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

Vanessa Veasley

Whatup my peoples? We’re back at it with the super sexy Honey of the Month for September. This month’s honey is the super sexy Vanessa Veasley, who you may recognize from music videos, magazines, and more. Check out the pics below to understand why.

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Saturday, September 14th, 2013

CloudsI can’t believe that it’s been ten years since you’ve been gone. Has it really been that long? I can still recall when Tim broke the news to me. I remember driving down to the funeral, seeing your family, and reconnecting with your friends. And of course, I remember being in a daze for that whole week. It was surreal then and it’s surreal now. I mean, I even had a dream about you last night (and it’s not the first time). It’s kraziness for real.

Whatup everyone? I wanted to take a second out to remember someone that was very close to me. Honestly, I don’t know if I’ll do another one of these posts again. It’s been ten years and it always messes with my head to do these. Who knows though? All I know is, I still miss you and I’m glad that we got to share our time together. You changed my life in ways you probably don’t even know. You moved me, challenged me, and inspired me. You taught me a lot about life and I’m forever grateful to you about it. It’s hard to find the right words cuz there’s so much but at the end of the day, I’m thankful that it happened.

I still miss you…son.

Sunday, September 8th, 2013

AG Music Logo

Check out the new logo I designed for AG Music. If you’d like to hear more or see more, check out some of his links below.

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