Friday, December 20th, 2013

2013 Year in Review

2013…what a year it’s been. From twerking with Miley Cyrus to having a royal baby, it’s been krazy, hasn’t it? We saw some very controversial trials this year including George Zimmerman and Jodi Arias, while we also saw high profile celebs get caught in the news including Aaron Hernandez and Paula Deen. We saw a young girl become a rising voice, a U.S. government shutdown, and the loss of a significant world leader. 2013 was nothing short of eventful.

As I write this, the only thing I’m wondering is…has it really been a year? Because it’s seriously flown by. LoL I guess it has. Every year (and instead of just revisiting the news), I take a glimpse back at where I’ve been and more specifically the highlights of my year. As usual, it was a rollercoaster year with lots of highs and lows. I had some eye opening moments, realizations, and experiences that really changed my outlook on life. Both personally and professionally, I went through a lot. But I mean, that’s normal, right? ‘Course it is LoL. And with that, here it is…MY 2013 Year in Review.

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Sunday, December 1st, 2013

Pressure's On

“You’re so familiarized with what having to swallow this pill is like
It happens all the time, they take your heart and steal your life
And it’s as though you feel you’ve died, cause you’ve been killed inside
But yet you’re still alive, which means you will survive”

– Eminem on “Beautiful Pain

I thought when I got older, things would become more clear. Instead, there are more question marks than ever before. One thing I do know is, if I wanna get to where I wanna get, I gotta change my mentality. There’s gotta be a sense of urgency that takes over. Often times, I get bogged down by trivial issues that I lose sight of the main goal. Moving forward, I gotta change that. I gotta start thinking that the pressure’s on.

Whatup world! Welcome one and all to the December 2013 Opinions Column (holy crap, where did the year go?). For those that’re new to the site, this is the one place where you can dig deep within the crevices of my brain to find out what’s going on. Here, I’ll talk about music, movies, sports…anything that is on my mind really. For those that’re returning to the site and those that’re regulars, welcome back! And thank you! With the formalities outta the way, let me talk about…pressure.

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Friday, November 1st, 2013

Global Perspective

“Yup, meet Mr. International
On the runway more than a fashion show, y’know?”

– Talib Kweli on “Mr. International

Sometimes it’s really healthy to get away from it all for a little bit. Whether it’s a week, a day, or even an hour, your mind functions better if it can break away from everything for awhile. I read that your brain doesn’t function as well without breaks and it’s good to “recharge.” Especially if you’re in a position of stress or if a lot of people need you for something, “escaping” for a little while helps put things into perspective…at least it does for me. It gives me time to reflect, to absorb, and more importantly, to breathe! Well, October was definitely one of those kinda months and I got my breather.

Whatup my peoples? What’s poppinnnnn??? Welcome one and welcome all to the November 2013 Opinions Column. Did you just say November? Whoa, how is it already month 11? I guess time flies when you’re having fun. If you’re new to the site, this is the place where I talk about anything and everything going on…ranging from music to movies to just about anything else. If you’re returning to the site, welcome back! Glad to see you again. Andddddd with that said, let’s talk about October.

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Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Positive Vibes

“That’s when you ask yourself how bad do you want
When the man in the mirror is your only opponent”

– Jon Connor on “Lose Yourself

It seems like negativity is something that nobody can escape. You will have haters, doubters, nay-sayers, trash talkers, and the like come around at some point. You’ll meet dishonest, disloyal people that have ulterior motives and you’ll have all sorts of krazy experiences. It’s not that you go searching for it or that you put yourself in that position…it’s life. Despite all that life throws at you though, you have to surround yourself with a positive vibe and positive attitude. Is it hard? Absolutely? Have I got it down? LoL You can say I’m still working on it. All I do know is, in this krazy world that we call life, it’s either change your outlook or let your outlook change you.

What’s upppppppppp people? Welcome on and all to the October 2013 Opinions Column. This is the sole spot on the whole planet where you can learn more about yours truly on a deeper, more personal NSA-style level. For that that’re new to the site, WELCOME! Glad to have you join me. And for those that’re returning, much thanks and welcome back! So with that, let’s talk about the month that was September.

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Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

‘Cause sometimes you just feel tired,
Feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
And just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
And not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.

– Eminem on “Till I Collapse

Sometimes, you gotta strong arm the game. I mean, you gotta REALLY muscle your way through every hurdle and every obstacle and everything going against you. There comes a point where you can’t sit back; instead, you have to step up, take charge, and fight your way through the BS. We all encounter it, and let’s face it…lots of people give in to the pressure. Well, I wanted to give in myself this past month; instead, I did the opposite. I got my ass back up and fought through it. This month wasn’t bad by any means, but it did require me to push harder. But yes, I’ll get to that in a minute.

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