Wednesday, March 20th, 2013


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It’s FINALLY here! After YEARS, after an extensive amount of recording and mixing, and after surviving a computer meltdown, I present to you my newest mixtape release! Here it is ladies and gentlemen: “He’s a Monster!” The new mixtape is a collection of songs I’ve done over the last few years, combined with some new songs and unreleased tracks too. Basically, I just wanted to show people that ‘yo, he’s a monster’ LoL. The mixtape is completely and absolutely FREE by signing up for my fan list (and it is the JAM fan list haha). Just visit the link, fill in the form, and it’ll send you an email with a link to the mixtape. Simple, right? So what’re you waiting for? Get to downloading!

Ajaxxx - "He's a Monster!" Back Cover

And just in case you’d like to preview the mixtape before downloading, I posted the tracks below.

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Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

2011 has been quite the year, hasn’t it? It was the year of the revolution and the year of the protestor. We saw deaths of Bin Laden and Gadhafi along with the Occupy Wall Street movement. In addition, we saw stories about the Royal Wedding, the Casey Anthony trial, Steve Jobs, the shaky economy, and the earthquakes of Japan. Between that and stories about Kim Kardashian, Rebecca Black, and Charlie Sheen, there was a lot that happened this year.

With 2011 winding down (which I still can’t believe), I wanted to take a look at where I’ve been. I wanted to take a look at the year that was 2011, but not so much the news; instead, I wanted to visit the stuff that I’ve been through both personally and professionally. It’s definitely been an “eventful” year to say the least, and I felt like capturing that. In addition, it was a pretty interesting year for music too. So anyway, in this hybrid edition of the Opinions Column, I’ll talk about everything 2011.

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Saturday, October 1st, 2011

“Much success to ya, even if ya’ wish me the opposite
Sooner or later, we’ll all see who the prophet is”

– Nas on “Nas is Like

Whatup my peoples? Welcome back to the Opinions Column, the one spot on the planet where you can get into the head of yours truly. This past month was really good to me, so let’s not waste any time and jump right into it.

September, oh September. Generally speaking, Septembers are rough for me. In the past, I’ve gone through lots of bad experiences during the month. From nasty breakups to bad news, it’s always dangerous. And the 30th of the month has always been extra krazy for some reason. Well anyway, this September was far from that. Despite experiencing some lows (I’ll get to that later), I didn’t let it get to me. Instead, I embraced the highs. And yes, there were lots of them.

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