Despite how big I feel my life is at times, in the grand scheme of things I’m just a dot on the map. It’s hard to comprehend , but that’s reality. There’s a giant world out there filled with a lot of people. My problems, my issues, my everything else are really small compared to what else is out there. I’m reminded of this everytime I travel.
Whatup world? Happy December. I know, I know, I’m a few days late with updating this page. I can explain. As I type this, I’m alllll the way on the other side of the world in Singapore. Yup, I’ve been out of America for a little while now, where I’ve been doing some extensive traveling. I just returned from Indonesia where I had a BLAST for my cousin’s wedding. So now that I’m back in Singapore, I’ve found some time to update this. For those that’re new to the site, this is where I talk about anything going on in my life. For those that’ve returned, you already know the deals. I promise I won’t make this column too long (especially since I’m in travel mode), but I do wanna touch on some things…
So everytime I go traveling, I get a chance to reflect. It’s healthy for the soul. I’ve had a chance to rekindle relationships, meet new people, and process it all especially in regards to my own life. What I discovered (or re-discovered)? Be grateful and happy for what you have. Last time I went to India, I met people in low forms of poverty and it reminded me of what I had. This time around, I’ve met a lot of affluent people and it’s reminded me (again) that I should be thankful. I don’t have everything but I have a lot. It’s not always easy to take on this mindset, but I know it’s the right one to have.
In addition, I’ve SEEN some amazing and breathtaking things. I encourage everyone to travel and see the world. There’s so much that you’re missing. Some pictures from both Bali and Singapore:

Bali, Indonesia

Bali, Indonesia

View from Singapore restroom
I came here for my cousin’s wedding. As always, I’ve been asked no less than 100 times when I’m getting married. I had an interesting convo the other day where I re-iterated what I continue to feel (you may have read about this in last month’s Opinions Column). I’m really content in my life, so what’s the big deal about love? If all it does is bring you drama, then what’s so great about it? I think I still need some time to reflect upon this because it continues to plague me. Sigh.
Finally and on an ending note, I’m planning on shooting the new video and dropping a new CD this month. Ambitious much, Jaxxx? Well, I just felt like I gotta get this ball rolling again. So stay tuned everyone, when I’m back in the U.S. it’s onnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!
And with that, I’m out. Stay up, stay safe, and hold ya head! And oh yea, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Ajaxxx signin’ out (via Singapore), peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[…] perspective and reminded me of a lot of important things. Last year when I went to Singapore, I wrote about it and what it taught me. Europe was similiar…it reminded me to count my blessings and be […]