Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

“Sores that was open wounds eventually turn to scab
Trees bright and green turn yellow brown
Autumn caught em, see all them leaves must fall down…”

– Outkast on “13th Floor/Growing Old

About a year ago, I wrote about rites of passages. In the June 2015 Opinion Column, I spoke about transitions in life and their significance. From starting school to graduation, there are milestone moments that you take with you. While I spoke about change, I don’t think I embraced it enough. I feel like I questioned it more than anything. In this article, I’m a different me…one that’s more embracing of change.

Whatup my peoples? Welcome to the April 2016 Opinions Column. This is where you can find out what’s going in my head. For those that’re new to the site, welcome. For those returning, welcome as well! You know the deals. And with that said, let’s talk about embracing these rites of passages in life.

A year ago, a part of me was reluctant to let go. I mean, not knowing what’s around the corner can be scary. It’s quite the feeling to embark on a new journey when it’s unknown. It’s extra krazy when you’re so comfortable where you are. But as everyone experiences, life is about changes…and often times, those changes are monumental. Welcome to rites of passages.

This time around, I’m ready. I can reflect on my past and say hey, while I’m happy where I was and what I’ve been through, I’m ready to embrace newness. Is it scary? Absolutely? Do I know what lies ahead? Nope, not one single bit. But you know what? I’m still ready. I’m ready to embrace it because I know all those past experiences have gotten me here and have prepared me for this moment. It’s been a longgggggg road. No, no…it’s been a longgggggggggggggggggggg road. It’s been filled with rollercoasters. But somehow, someway, I’m still standing and I’m as alive as ever. So what does that tell me? I’m ready to embrace change. It’s been a good run but without change, you can’t grow.

I think about the songs I wrote, the drama I’ve encountered, and the tears I shed to get here. It’s been real.

And so, welcome April 2016. You’ll go down in history as one of the biggest months of my life. And while a year ago I might’ve wavered, I won’t now. I’ve grown since then. And guess what? I’m ready…ready to embrace this rite of passage in my life.

Stay up, stay safe, and hold ya head.

Ajaxxx signing out till next month.
