Saturday, June 30th, 2018

“If time was on my side, I’d still have none to waste”
– Eminem on “Believe

There are times to pause and reflect, and then there are times to execute. While it’s important to plan, it’s also important to make moves. If you’re always in planning mode, you won’t get anything done. So yeah, this month, we’re talking about Go Time.

First off though, welcome. Welcome to the Opinions Column. This is the place where I talk about what’s going on in my head and what’s been going on with me. If you’re new to the site, welcome. And if you’re returning, welcome BACK! With the introduction now complete, let’s talk about Go Time.

So yes, execution. As I mentioned previously, planning is important. In fact, it’s extremely important to be proactive vs reactive. I spoke a lot about this earlier in the year (see the video below), but it’s really important to set goals and identify where you’re trying to aim, before moving on them. Well, with all that planning, you have to take action too. I think that’s where a lot of people get stuck. I’m not sure if it’s fear, lack of resources, or just a work ethic in need of improvement, but if you’re only planning without acting, then you haven’t done much. Yes, it’s cool to have ideas. But without taking action, the ideas will remain just that…ideas. So I’m saying, we gotta act on these things.

I’ve seen it for years now. People will talk about the album they will be dropping or the song that is coming out. They’re always talking in future tense. Meanwhile, the doers are flying right by them and actually getting stuff done. Trash talking is fun (sometimes), but at a point you gotta get past that. If you’re only talking and not doing, then there’s something wrong. In fact, there are times where I wish people would talk LESS and do MORE. Instead of planning for a year to drop that song, take a day and then drop it. It’s amazing when you create things and put them out, rather than waiting for them to be perfect. Anddd that’ll bring me to my next topic.

Perfection. As the saying goes, perfection is the enemy of progress. As long as you’re aiming to be perfect, it becomes increasingly hard to do anything. That’s why for me, I’ve taken it upon myself to put out these YouTube videos (see the video below). I know they haven’t been perfect, but it’s a lot better than having nothing out there to share with people. You gotta forgo perfection sometimes to execute. For us creatives, that is difficult. It’s very difficult. But sometimes, actually often, you are your own worst critic and things others won’t even notice are the things you’re critiquing. So I encourage you to get out of your head and focus on DOING versus THINKING. Don’t get me wrong, aiming for perfection is a good thing…just don’t let it be a roadblock.

And that’ll do it for me. It’s time to GO and I’m on my way. This month, I’m gonna be working overtime to get this album done. Wish me luck!

Until the next one, stay up, stay safe, and hold ya head. Ajaxxx signing out, PEACEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!