Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

“I’m prolific, so gifted
I’m the type that’s gon’ go get it, no kiddin'”
– Nipsey Hussle on “Victory Lap

There are moments of planning and then there are moments of action. In this instance, it’s all about Go Time.

What up my peoples! What’s going on? Welcome to the Ajaxxx.com April 2019 Opinions Column. This is the sole spot on earth (well, outside of the music, I suppose) where you can get into my head to find out what’s going on. For those that are new to the site, welcome! And for those that are returning, welcome back! With that, let’s talk about the importance of Go Time.

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Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

I recently got into it with some people a few weeks ago, where we had some differences and questioned my value and worth. Not a good situation at all, right? Well, instead of letting it get me down, I channeled that energy into a verse.

I also wrote about it on the Opinions Column here.

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

Sunday, March 31st, 2019

“And lately I’ve been contemplating
Escaping to get away and go wherever this road takes me
It’s making me crazy”

– Eminem on “In My Head

It’s really easy to overthink things. With me, I’m constantly thinking what will happen, what may happen, and other potential scenarios before taking action. And when you’re overthinking, you’re likely hindering progress and preventing execution. So, what do you do?

Before we answer that, welcome everyone! Welcome to the Ajaxxx.com March 2019 Opinions Column. For those that are new to the site, this is the place where I talk about what’s going on with me. For those that’re returning, welcome back! Anddddddd with that said, let’s talk about getting out of my head.

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Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

After much anticipation, Marvel releases Captain Marvel. This origin film explores Carol Danvers’ past, while also giving us an exciting adventure. It’s a movie about self discovery and rising up against the odds.

While not Marvel’s best, I still felt it was an entertaining (and important) film as we ready ourselves for Avengers: Endgame.

Take a listen to my latest movie rap review to hear what I thought.

So, what did you think of the movie?