Despite how big I feel my life is at times, in the grand scheme of things I’m just a dot on the map. It’s hard to comprehend , but that’s reality. There’s a giant world out there filled with a lot of people. My problems, my issues, my everything else are really small compared to what else is out there. I’m reminded of this everytime I travel.
Whatup world? Happy December. I know, I know, I’m a few days late with updating this page. I can explain. As I type this, I’m alllll the way on the other side of the world in Singapore. Yup, I’ve been out of America for a little while now, where I’ve been doing some extensive traveling. I just returned from Indonesia where I had a BLAST for my cousin’s wedding. So now that I’m back in Singapore, I’ve found some time to update this. For those that’re new to the site, this is where I talk about anything going on in my life. For those that’ve returned, you already know the deals. I promise I won’t make this column too long (especially since I’m in travel mode), but I do wanna touch on some things…
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Filed under: Opinions by Ajaxxx
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