What’s up everyone? This is the third and final part of “How I Designed the new Ajaxxx.com.” Let’s recap, shall we?
In the first part, I talked about the planning that went into the site. I analyzed the old site from top to bottom, assessing the areas that needed improvement. In addition, I also made notes of the things I really liked about the old site and how I’d carry them over. In the second part, I went further. I got much more technical and talked about things like the page numbers, the tag cloud, and the social media elements; I also talked about things I chose not to use.
So now, in this third edition, I’m going to tie it all together. I’m going to show you what plugins I used and didn’t use (and why), some of the back-end things I did to make my life easier, and also some additional stuff about the planning. And of course, I’ll go into what I did to finalize it all.
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Filed under: Design by Ajaxxx
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