Wednesday, November 30th, 2016

Ajaxxx - Broken Dreams

If I said I’d be excited, it’d be an understatement. After a longggggg journey, my new song “Broken Dreams” is now available on iTunes! In addition, the song can also be found on Amazon, Google Play, Spotify, and more.

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Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

Ajaxxx - Broken Dreams

Here’s the artwork for my latest single, “Broken Dreams.” Video coming soon!

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015


2015. Without a doubt, this year will forever hold special significance to me. Apart from my personal life activities, we saw a lot. We saw water on mars being discovered, Adele returning to the spotlight, and Star Wars mania return. While there were many positive topics, this year seemed to be weighed down with many sad topics too. From the tragic shootings in Paris to the Syrian refugee crisis to all the gun violence in America, there was a lot. It’s been quite the eventful year for real.

I know I’m writing my 2015 Year in Review, but it still hasn’t hit me that the year is almost over and we’re almost in 2016. Well, in the following column, I’ll revisit my own personal 2015 and touch on all the highlights. As I mentioned above, this year holds special significance and I’ll get into that. 2015 has been a year of years. So here it goes…my 2015 Year in Review.

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Friday, September 11th, 2015


“Livin’ life in the fast lane
Movin’ at the speed of life and I can’t slow down
Only got a gallon in the gas tank
But I’m almost at the finish line, so I can’t stop now”

– Sly on Bad Meets Evil’s “Fast Lane

Whenever times gets busy, you can do two things: either get bogged down in the chaos or embrace everything that’s happening. I’ve chosen the latter. It can become stressful, chaotic, and even discouraging. But in my opinion, it’s better to keep a positive opinion in times like these. So instead of slowing down, it’s full steam ahead.

What is up my peoples! Welcome one, welcome all, welcome boys, welcome girls. This is the September 2015 Opinions Column. For those that’re new to the site, this is the page where I pretty much talk about everything going on in my life. It gives you a sneak peek behind the curtains to learn about Ajaxxx. For those that’re returning, welcome back! And with that said, let’s talk about allllllllll that’s been going on…and how I’m embracing it.

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Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

And the moment has finally arrived. After hinting about it, then dropping a preview for it, new Ajaxxx music is HERE. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my new single: “Broken Dreams.” The song features the vocals of Anais Torres and is produced by Santiago Skillz.

“Broken Dreams” is a departure from anything I’ve ever released. Instead of upbeat party-ness or killing the mic, this song shows a different, more serious side to me. I really open up on here. I visit topics including self-doubt, lost love, and family. I also remind myself why believing is so important. This is perhaps from one of my most personal songs. I hope you feel it as much I did when I wrote it.

And if you ARE feeling it, please share (anddd let me know what you think). Thank you!