Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

It’s been an eventful time in my life…so eventful that some may have been led to believe that I’ve forgone music (or at least put it on the back burner). On the contraryyy, I’ve been readying the new single for this moment.

Presenting to you the FIRST LISTEN of “Broken Dreams” featuring Anais Torres and produced by Santiago Skillz! The full version is on the way!

Monday, August 4th, 2014

Ah yes, exciting times are upon us. Whether it was the craziness of last month or the eventfulness of this month, there’s a lot of things going on. And when I look back at it, I can’t help but say wow…

What is UP my peoples! Welcome one and all to the Ajaxxx.com August 2014 Opinions Column. This is the sole spot on planet earth where you can dig deep within my brainal (because that’s a word) cavities to find out what is going on. For those that’re new to the site, WELCOME and glad to have you aboard! For those that’re returning, welcome also…and you know the drills! With that said, let’s talk about EXCITING TIMES!

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Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014


“Ambition is priceless, it’s something that’s in your veins, and I put that on my name”

– Wale on “Ambition

Ambition is defined as a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. As a music artist, especially one trying to succeed, ambition is absolutely necessary. If you want to get ahead and achieve what you’ve dreamed for, you have to be ambitious…there’s just no way around it. While talent, skills, and even networking takes you far, without the drive backing you there’s no point. You need it to take you to that next level…

What is up my peeps? Welcome one and welcome ALL to the brand new Ajaxxx.com Opinions Column. This is the sole spot on the planet (outside of select songs I have) where you can get deep within my brainal cavity (because brainal is a word) and find out what’s up with me. For those that’re new to the site, welcome and glad to have you aboard. For those that’re returning, you know the deal! And with that said, let’s talk about ambition along with the month that just passed.

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